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State Freeze – No Exceptions this FY

June 5, 2009

To:     Business Managers From:  Roger Patterson, Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Finance Date:  June 5, 2009 The Office of State Budget and Management has in limited cases granted exceptions from the state freeze rules.  We received word yesterday that OSBM will … Read more

Flexible Furlough Program Information

May 7, 2009

TO:      Business Managers HR Facilitators FROM:  Brian Usischon, Senior Director, Benefits Services Office of Human Resources Elizabeth C. (Betsi) Snipes, Director, UNC Payroll Services Finance Division Date:   May 7, 2009 In response to state budget shortfalls, Gov. Beverly Perdue issued Executive … Read more

Flexible Furlough Program

May 1, 2009

To:     University Business Managers Finance Advisory Council Members From:  Roger Patterson, Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Finance Date:  May 1, 2009 The introduction of Human Resource’s website for the Flexible Furlough Program has resulted in several calls and emails to departments … Read more

Flexible Furlough Program Announced by Gov. Perdue

April 28, 2009

To:     University Business Managers From:  Roger Patterson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance Date:  April 28, 2009 As you might expect, a number of central offices in Finance are receiving phone calls and emails inquiring about the Flexible Furlough Program announced … Read more

State Freeze – Travel Reminder

April 24, 2009

To:     University Business Managers From:  Roger Patterson, Vice Chancellor for Finance Date:  April 24, 2009 All – Please remember: Even if in-state travel is permitted under OSBM guidelines (related to delivery of classroom instruction, public safety or delivering direct care to patients or … Read more

Revisions to Personnel section of Emergency Budget Guidelines

April 24, 2009

To:     University Business Managers Finance Advisory Council Members From:  Roger Patterson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance Date:  April 24, 2009 A memo was released this morning announcing revisions to the Personnel section of the emergency budget guidelines amended earlier this week.  Please … Read more

Freeze Guidelines – State Reallocations

April 23, 2009

To:    University Business Managers From: Roger Patterson, Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Finance Date: April 23, 2009 Late yesterday we received good news. In cases where we normally move a faculty member from non-state sources over to state sources, we can … Read more

Revised Emergency Budget Guidelines

April 22, 2009

To:     University Business Managers From:  Roger Patterson, Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Finance Date:  April 22, 2009 You may already be aware that a memo was released today announcing revised spending freeze guidelines on all state funds including state receipts.  For … Read more

Budget Controls Effective 04/01/2009 for Other Trust Funds

March 27, 2009

To: University Business Managers From: Dennis Press, University Controller Date: March 27, 2009 As you know, the budget controls for other trust funds will take effect on 04/01/2009. There are several budgetary issues that have been reviewed and discussed among … Read more