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Revisions to Personnel section of Emergency Budget Guidelines

April 24, 2009

To:     University Business Managers Finance Advisory Council Members From:  Roger Patterson, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance Date:  April 24, 2009 A memo was released this morning announcing revisions to the Personnel section of the emergency budget guidelines amended earlier this week.  Please share this information broadly within your unit. The memo is linked…

Categories: Budget News

Freeze Guidelines – State Reallocations

April 23, 2009

To:    University Business Managers From: Roger Patterson, Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Finance Date: April 23, 2009 Late yesterday we received good news. In cases where we normally move a faculty member from non-state sources over to state sources, we can continue to do so on a prospective basis as long…

Categories: Budget News

Continuing Education Form for approval requests

April 23, 2009

To: University Business Managers From: Roger Patterson, Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Finance Date: April 23, 2009 We have developed a form to aid you in submitting requests for approval of your continuing education (non-credit) programs, summer programs and conference services. This issue is addressed in number eight (8) of the…

Categories: Conferences News, Training News

Revised Emergency Budget Guidelines

April 22, 2009

To:     University Business Managers From:  Roger Patterson, Assoc. Vice Chancellor for Finance Date:  April 22, 2009 You may already be aware that a memo was released today announcing revised spending freeze guidelines on all state funds including state receipts.  For your information, the memo and accompanying documentation are linked below and…

Categories: Budget News

Finance Training Coordinator

April 7, 2009

To:     University Business Managers From:  Janet Kelly-Scholle, Director of Finance Communications and Training Date:  April 7, 2009 I am pleased to announce that Troy Howell has joined the Finance Communications and Training Department as the Finance Training Coordinator.  Troy’s role will include developing and coordinating financial systems training, communicating system…

Categories: Staff News, Training News