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To: Access Request Coordinators, University Business Managers, Campus Unit Finance Leads
From: Payment Card Services

Effective March 24, 2023, Payment Card Services will be updating the process to apply for P-Cards and T&E Cards as well as to request Works user access for P-Card Proxies and Groups Approvers.

To support this change, the Initial P-Card Accountholder Training now contains the content from the Reconciling P-Card Transactions and Uploading Receipts Training as well. New P-Card applicants will only have to take one training and one quiz to obtain their card.

To apply for a P-Card, T&E Card, or a new user access role in Works, employees will now complete the following steps:

  1. Complete the required training and quiz.
  2. Upon successful completion of the quiz, employees will submit:
    1. ConnectCarolina Access form.
    2. Card application and Accountholder Agreement form (for new card applicants) or Works Account Maintenance Form (for Proxy/Group Approver access).
  3. The P-Card or T&E Card team will process the application or access request.
    1. P-Card applicants, Proxies and Group Approvers will receive a welcome email from Works if they are first-time users.
  4. Card applicants will be notified when their card is ready for pickup.

Payment Card applications, policies and websites have been updated to support these changes. Please direct P-Card questions to and T&E Card questions to

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