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To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers
From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager 

Please share this information with all Concur users in your Department/Unit.

Travel Services is excited to announce that the Concur Training Needs Assessment Survey is now open.  We invite all Concur users to participate to provide feedback on current and future Concur Training materials and support.  Concur Users include travelers, T&E Card accountholders, delegates, travel assistants, and approvers.  The survey will be emailed directly to all Concur users who have logged into Concur in the last 12 months but we ask that Business Managers and Finance Leads also broadly share this information with employees in your area.

The survey will remain open through Monday, Feb. 13, 2023.  Please encourage all Concur users in your department/unit to respond; survey responses will be anonymous.

Travel Services is committed to supporting campus’s use of Concur and meeting your training/support needs.  Survey results will be shared with campus in March 2023.

Thanks in advance for your time and help in completing this survey!

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