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TO: University Business Managers, Campus Unit Finance Leads
FROM: Manali Bettendorf, University Controller and Beau Jimmerson, CPO and Executive Director, Payroll and Materials Management

The purpose of this memorandum is to move forward travel fiscal year-end due dates for a successful fiscal year end closing on June 30, 2022.

Due to an unexpected high volume of travel reimbursement requests/expense reports, the deadline must be changed to an earlier date to guarantee the timely processing of these requests.

Monday, June 13, will be the last day to approve Concur Expense Reports in the current fiscal year. Expense Reports must be received by Travel Services as of this date for review and final approval. Reports approved by Travel Services will be posted in fiscal year 2021-2022. Concur Expense Reports approved after this date will be held and posted in fiscal year 2022-2023.

(Please note, this includes reconciliation of Travel Cash Advances, T&E Card Transactions and Airfare Direct Bill transactions which must be reconciled in Concur Expense.)

June 13 will also be the last day for Web Travel reimbursements to be processed in the current fiscal year. Reimbursements must be received by Travel Services as of this date for review and final approval. Reimbursements approved by Travel Services will be posted in fiscal year 2021-2022. Reimbursements approved after this date will be held and posted in fiscal year 2022-2023.

As in past years, all fiscal year-end information will also be posted on the 2022 Fiscal Year End webpage ( Thank you for your stewardship in managing the University’s resources wisely and effectively.

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