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To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers
From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager

As summer quickly approaches, Travel Services has received numerous inquiries about how to properly book travel when combining University Business Travel with Personal Travel. This can include extending a trip for personal days, adding additional destinations to a trip, or taking non-university travelers with you on a business trip. Please see below for details on how to navigate these booking questions.

Extended Trips for Personal Days of Travel or Additional Destinations

The process will be the same:

  • Obtain a quote from Concur Travel/World Travel for your trip as if you were simply traveling for your business dates/destinations of travel. This documentation will need to be maintained and included with your Expense Report in Concur.
  • Obtain the cost from Concur Travel/World Travel for your desired itinerary. If the desired itinerary is the same price or is less expensive, you’re all set! If the desired itinerary is more expensive, however, then you will be responsible for the difference in price from the quote obtained above.
  • Any difference in price which is owed to the university will be repaid during the Expense Report process in Concur.

Airfare Which Includes Non-University Travelers:

  • Please contact World Travel directly at 877-602-4950 or via email at They will book all travelers together and be able to process separate forms of payment for the non-UNC travelers.
  • When reserving lodging for a trip which includes non-university travelers, you may be interested in booking larger or alternative lodging to accommodate the number of travelers. The University is only responsible for the cost of lodging at a single-occupancy rate. Similar to the airfare requirements above, you will need to obtain a cost comparison at the time of booking showing the cost of equivalent, single-occupancy lodging. Any difference in cost for larger or alternative accommodations will be the responsibility of the traveler.
  • On the Request Header in Concur, please be sure to answer Yes if the trip includes personal travel and provide the dates of personal travel as well.

The University should not incur any increase in cost for travel which combines University Business Travel with Personal Travel. Please be sure to only request reimbursement for your Business Travel expenses on the Expense Report in Concur. If expenses are paid on your T&E Card which need to be repaid in part or in whole, you will utilize the “Non-reimbursable/Personal” expense type to reconcile these transactions.

Please ensure this information is provided to all travelers and travel assistants in your area.

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