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To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers, Concur Personal Delegates

From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager

When creating Expense Reports in Concur, it is essential to link your approved Travel Request to your Expense Reports.  Doing so reduces data entry for our travelers/delegates and ensures that all information in the system is properly connected.

There are two methods to link approved Travel Requests to Expense Reports as outlined on the attached Quick Reference Card: Linking an Approved Travel Request to an Expense Report.  This resource is also available for download on the Concur page of the Travel Services website.

As a reminder, all travel by University employees which includes airfare, lodging, and/or per diem must be pre-authorized in advance of travel.  Pre-authorization is obtained by submitting a Travel Request in Concur in advance of travel.  This process is required for all travel by University employees, regardless of the funding source.  In addition, University-affiliated international travel is prohibited unless it is pre-approved through the processes outlined on the UNC Global – Travel Policies and Exceptions site.

Please share this information broadly with all Concur users in your area.  Please contact with any questions.  Thank you!

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