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To:  DDD; Campus Unit Finance Leads
From: Steve Agostini, Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Budget and Beau Jimmerson, Chief Procurement Officer and Executive Director of Procurement, Finance and Budget.

The MCU Purchase Approval Form that was implemented on March 19, 2020 will no longer be required for campus purchases as of 5 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021.

The MCU Purchases Approval Form was instituted as an extraordinary measure on the onset of the pandemic to ensure that University resources were carefully managed during this uncertain time.  As campus has adjusted to the new working climate, the form has fulfilled its purpose and units can return to normal procurement procedures.  All MCU Purchase Approval Forms that are currently in the system will be reviewed, but no additional MCU Purchase Approval Forms will need to be put into the system after 5 p.m. today.

Although we are returning to normal procurement procedures, please keep in mind that the University will continue to do quarterly reports and review unit expenditures, and that we are entering an era where there will be a lot more visibility in our expenditures.

Thank you for effort to ensure that we continue our responsibility to this public institution and to the students that we serve.

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