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To: University Business Managers, Campus Unit Finance Leads
From: Christine Shia, Communications Manager, Department of Finance and Gary Wilhelm, Digital Solutions Manager, Finance & Operations

Please forward to any staff you believe may be affected by this change. Thank you.

As many of you are aware, the department of Finance and Budget transferred their forms a few years ago from being housed on the Finance and Budget website to reside within the UNC Ethics and Policy Office electronic policy repository, After the recent upgrade of the repository to a new platform, many of Finance and Budget’s business owners were having some difficulty with outside vendors and associates not understanding how the form cover page worked in the new platform and where to locate the actual forms.

In early September, a decision was made to move all the Finance forms back into the Finance and Budget website,, and to provide links to these forms directly in the respective Policies and Procedures in the policy repository, thus foregoing the cover sheets entirely and making direct URLs available for sending forms to clients.

What this means for you.  If you have bookmarked a form in the Ethics and Policy electronic policy repository and linked it to the form cover page, you will experience a broken link.

How to remedy the problem. We have created a complete list of our forms in the Finance Forms Library on the Finance and Budget website, located at  You may update your bookmarks to this page or find the exact form you desire and bookmark a link directly to the URL on our site.  If you are on and wish to find this page quickly, simply search for “Finance Forms” in the search field, and a link to the above page can be found.  If you are reviewing a specific policy or procedure (for example, 708.1 — Procedure for Independent Contractor Predetermination Process), you will now find links within the Procedure itself that will go directly to the current forms.

This new arrangement will also alleviate problems with variations of versions of our forms, as there will only be one parent location for all of Finance forms – in our Finance Forms Library.  The most current version of each form will always be in the Finance Forms Library, and each form has been checked for ADA compliance.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact me at

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