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To: Concur Approvers and Approval Delegates; Campus Unit Finance Leads; Business Managers Listserv

From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager

Good morning!

Travel Services has been reviewing submissions in Concur over the past two weeks and we’ve noticed a trend regarding Delegates that we’d like to ask for your assistance with.

As a reminder, all employees have access to Concur and can create and submit Requests and Expense Reports on their own.  They are also able to assign Personal Delegates to their profile if they would like assistance in creating their Requests and Expense Reports.  Personal Delegates are able to create submissions on the traveler’s behalf and then notify them via Concur when it is ready to be submitted.

The trend we are seeing is that employees are either not setup as a Personal Delegate or they are not familiar with how to act as a Personal Delegate.  Submissions are being created and the Delegate is simply entering the traveler’s name in the “Request Name” field to identify that it’s for another traveler, not themselves.

If you see submissions which are not submitted by the Traveler themselves, please do not approve but send these back to the Delegate to be deleted.  Please also share the following resources located on the Concur website with those employees who will be assisting travelers in Concur:

As a final reminder, Personal Delegates are able to assist travelers in creating Travel Requests and Expense reports while Travel Assistants can assist in booking travel.  Employees may have both roles to help their travelers, but these are separate permissions which need to be assigned.

Please share this information within your area so that it reaches all travelers and those who will be assisting travelers.  And thank you for all you have done and will continue to do to support the launch of Concur!


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