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To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support

A planned outage for TIM is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Sat., August 7 for a system update.

During the outage:

  • Badges terminals and Teletime will still operate and employees may capture their times in and out.
  • Time Stamps will not be accessible during the outage. Employees should keep a record of their times in/out during the outage and provide them to their TIM Manager or Administrator for manual entry.
  • Employees who enter their times worked in their timecards may do so after the system is back online.

System Updates:

System Logo change- there will be a slight change to how the system logo appears on the tab in the internet browser and on the TIM login page.  It will show ‘UKG’.  The system we are using is still the same, only the logo has changed.

Employees- there will be no change to the way in which employees use TIM.

Managers and TIM Administrators.  There will be no change to the way in which managers and TIM Administrators use TIM.

TIM Administrators with Historical Corrections Access.  This update includes an enhancement to how Enable Edits are applied.  A ‘Historical Correction’ button will appear in employees’ timecards.  You can click on it and select ‘Enable Edits’ directly in the timecard.  A screenshot of the enhancement is attached. You will still be able to select Enable Edits when looking at your list of employees.

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