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To: Deans, Directors and Department Chairs (DDD), University Business Managers (UBM), Campus Unit Financial Leads (CUFL)
From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager

Effective July 1, 2021, the State of North Carolina has increased travel subsistence reimbursement rates by approximately 5.0% for both in-state expenses and out-of-state expenses.  The new subsistence rates will be in effect through June 30, 2023.

The following list details the various rates of subsistence per day for travel-related expenses. Relevant policies, websites, and expense systems will be updated to reflect this change.

Rates per day for travel-related expenses
Item In-State Rate Out-of-State Rate
Breakfast $9.00 $9.00
Lunch $11.80 $11.80
Dinner $20.50 $23.30
Lodging (actual, up to) $78.90 $93.20
Total $120.20 $137.30

If you have any questions regarding the new rates, please contact the Travel Team. Please ensure this information is shared with all employees in your area. Thank you.

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