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To: Deans, Directors and Department Chairs (DDD), University Business Managers (UBM), Campus Unit Financial Leads (CUFL)
From: Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Manager

Effective June 2, 2021, COVID-19 restrictions on university-related domestic travel are rescinded; pre-approval from the Chancellor or Provost is still required for all International travel. As a reminder, all overnight travel must still be pre-approved in accordance with Section 5.2 of the North Carolina OSBM Budget Manual.

In keeping with the Major Campus Unit Purchasing Guidelines, travel expenses require Campus Unit Finance Lead approval for all non-Sponsored Project Travel.  This includes conference registration expenses, whether in-person or remote.  Completion of the Purchase Approval Form is not required, however written approval from the Campus Unit Finance Lead will now be requested by Travel Services for all reimbursement requests from non-Sponsored Project funds.

This requirement will be enforced for all travel which began on or after June 2, 2021.  This approval requirement will migrate to Concur when that system is launched along with pre-travel approvals mentioned above.

To better align with budget considerations, the launch of the Concur Travel System is being adjusted to Fiscal Year 2022.  An exact date is being determined by Senior Leadership and will be announced shortly.

In the interim, we encourage all users to take advantage of the training materials for the Travel System.  Please visit the Concur page of the Travel Services website to view the Guides, QRCs, and access the Computer-Based trainings (CBTs).  CBTs for permanent employees will direct you to Carolina Talent while recordings of the trainings for non-permanent employees are available under the Online Concur Training Videos section.

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