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To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers
From: Justin Hanford, Voucher Team Supervisor

The department of Finance is committed to optimizing University resources and as such, has been implementing more efficient and safe methods of payments to its vendors.

Recently, we have launched a new virtual method of payment called VCard payments, another form of electronic payment that eliminates paper checks and is helpful in that it pays the vendor faster.  We have set up an initial chosen set of vendors that meet certain requirements for this type of payment service.  For these suppliers, the VCard payment method is the only option available for them in ConnectCarolina when processing a voucher.

This memo is to alert you that for some vendors in ConnectCarolina, you will start to see VCard as the option to choose when selecting form of payment when creating vouchers.  If you see VCard as the payment method, you will not be able to change it and you can proceed as normal from that point. Everything else for the voucher process will remain the same from the department’s perspective.

If you have questions or concerns, contact

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