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To:  University Business Managers, Campus Unit Finance Leads
From:  DeAhn H. Baucom, University Cashier

Please see the attached document, Updated Campus Deposit Guidance, effective 6/12/2020.

Key Points

  1. Please deposit any cash and check payments weekly.
  2. Because weekly deposits are required by NC General Statute, this is an essential function supporting operation and MCU leads should ensure that their depositors have access to campus and community protective equipment (CPE) at least weekly. Cash and Checks should only be processed on site.
  3. The fiscal year will close Tuesday, June 30, 2020. MCU leads should ensure that mail has been checked and pending payments during closure are processed by the end of next week in order to ensure the University Cashier’s Office can process all deposits by 6/30/2020.

For your convenience, here is a link to the fiscal year checklist.

Thank you for your support and prompt attention to this matter.

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