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To: University Business Managers, Campus Unit Finance Leads, Finance and Budget Staff

Earlier this week, we relaunched the Finance and Budget website at, which features service-centered navigation. The revamped site will also reflect recent organizational changes as well as the changing needs of our campus community.

The appearance and structure of the website has changed, but much of the information from the former site has been retained.

We created a single landing page for each major service offered. These are linked directly to individual department pages and illustrated with an icon on the department page. You will be able to choose the service you are looking for from a drop-down list on the homepage.  A brief narrative of that service can be viewed before a selection is made. Some services are “owned” by multiple departments, so you won’t need to know who administers the service in order to find the information you need to do your job.

In addition to searching by service, you can explore our department list using the icon in the center right of the home page.

Although we worked to minimize issues before the migration, it is possible that the move created some broken links. If you find any links that are broken or have trouble locating a certain page, please send an email (with the URL of the broken link) to Christine Shia at In addition, if you have bookmarked any pages on the Finance and Budget website, please update your bookmarks.

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