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To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers
From:    DeAhn Baucom, University Cashier

In response to the current UNC System office guidance related to COVID-19, the University will continue to comply with the spirit of the Daily Deposit Act, balanced with our responsibility to practice social distancing.

To ensure that we maintain compliance with this Act, when processing deposits, please:

  1. Encourage payments to be electronic (card present and/or online).
  2. Deposit electronic receipts daily, remotely.
  3. Discourage in-person payment by cash or check, as practical.
  4. Depending on expected mail volume for your area, please pick up at Mail Services, per their operational changes,  and process mail 1-3 times per week.
  5. Deliver cash/check deposits to the Cashier’s Office deposit drop box, located in the loading dock of SASB North, Ridge Road.
    1. Email to let us know it’s delivered.
    2. Do not send deposits to Cashier’s Office through campus mail.
    3. If you arrange an armored car delivery, we will need to work out delivery arrangements as we will not have regular office hours.
  6. Deposit bag use:
    1. We will not be returning the canvas lock bags at this time.
    2. Where practical, use envelopes or resealable plastic bags if you have them.
    3. We have just received some disposable bank bags that we will distribute based on estimated demand.

The Cashier’s Office will continue to process deposits on a regular basis.

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