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To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers
From: DeAhn H. Baucom, University Cashier

Effective November 4, 2019, Brett W. Kenney, University Cash Manager in Accounting Services, began serving as the Interim Chair of the Compliant Electronic Receipt Transactions through Innovation and Financial Integrity (CERTIFI) Committee. This change in leadership will better position the Office of the University Cashier to complete implementation on several priority projects and will better align the work of the committee with the Cash Management function. As part of this transition, Brooke O’Neal, the University’s Merchant Services Manager will temporarily transfer to the Cash Management unit in Accounting Services. Brooke’s phone number and e-mail address will remain the same, however, her office location will change to room 3103 in the Administrative Office Building.

The University formed the CERTIFI interdepartmental committee to implement and manage the directives of the Payment Card Industry’s (PCI) Security Standards Council, the National Automated Clearing House Association (NACHA), and the electronic commerce requirements set forth by the North Carolina Office of the State Controller and North Carolina State Legislature. The Office of the University Cashier will continue to provide oversight and advice to CERTIFI, in addition to providing approval and certification for University merchant deposits. Brooke O’Neal will continue to provide day-to-day oversight of PCI compliance. If you have any questions about PCI compliance or merchant correspondence, continue to email

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