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To:  University Business Managers, Campus Unit Finance Leads, Research Support Groups

From: Troy Morse, Director of Purchasing Services 

Procurement Services has increased the purchase threshold for Agilent to $25,000 per order, marking the next phase of our ePro order threshold increase project.  We will begin Phase II of our ePro order threshold increase to scientific vendors with Agilent in order to validate that OSR project approval routing is working properly.  After we’ve validated the threshold increase with OSR project approval routing, we plan to increase the purchase threshold for the remaining scientific vendors that are currently under competitively bid contracts. Note: The order threshold increase is available for all users, not only those whose projects require OSR project approval.

Phase I of the ePro order threshold increase from $5,000 to $25,000 began in early June and included all vendors in the information technology category.  Phase II plans include all vendors in the scientific supplies category.  A planned Phase III will include the MRO supplies category. These plans are explained in a June 7, 2019, memo.

The vast majority of our eProcurement vendors are under competitively bid contracts with the University.  In order to encourage broader use of these contracts, Procurement Services has begun a phased increase to the ePro ordering threshold for select ePro vendors from the current $5,000 per order limit to $25,000 per order.  The ePro landing site will indicate which vendors have been taken to the higher threshold with an asterisk next to each vendor.

If you have any questions or concerns about this change, please contact the purchasing office at 919-962-3774.

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