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In July, the department was very busy with 19 policy updates. Payroll introduced a new procedure and adjusted its direct deposit policy to fit with the new features in ConnectCarolina’s Self Service. The Travel policies have had a complete overhaul, being streamlined and combined to remove duplication and provide greater clarity. These Policies and Procedures no longer reside in the 1300 block of Finance but have been moved to 1500s.

Here are the details:

From Payroll

  • 1105.2Procedure for Overpayment Recovery. Historically, the University has collected overpayments but there has not been a definitive procedure outlining the proper steps in recovering compensation that is not owed to an employee and is paid in error. This procedure makes all attempts to recover all overpayment funds, to not put the University at risk of non-compliance.
  • 1106 – Payroll Direct Deposit Policy. The Self-Service Direct Deposit functionality is now available and is authenticated by DUO for security and now is the preferred method for new employees to put in their direct deposit requests: saving administrative effort and paper.

From Accounts Payable and Travel

The Travel policies have had a complete overhaul, being streamlined and combined to remove duplication and provide greater clarity. They no longer reside in the 1300 block of Finance Policies, but have been moved to 1500s and are as follows:

  • 1501 – Policy on Business Travel (Previously 1301 and 1303)
  • 1501.1 – Procedure for Reimbursing Student Non-Employees and Affiliates
  • 1501.1.1f – Senior University Administrator Travel and Reimbursement Authorization
  • 1501.1.2f – Student Non-Employee Travel Agreement
  • 1502 – Policy on Allowable Travel Expenses, Lodging, and Per Diem Rates
  • 1502.1 – Procedure on Excess Lodging Justification, Third-Party Lodging, and Group Travel
  • 1502.1.1f – Excess Lodging Justification
  • 1502.1.2f – Non-Hotel Lodging Authorization Request
  • 1502.1.3f – Group Travel Form
  • 1503 – Policy on Travel Advances Reimbursements (Previously 1304 and 1308.1)
  • 1503.1 – Procedure for Travel Advances and Reimbursements
  • 1504 – Travel Policy on Transportation Including Mileage Rates (Previously 1310 and 1304.2)
  • 1504.1 – Procedure for Multiple Day Trips
  • 1504.2 – Procedure for Purchasing an Airfare Ticket
  • 1505 – Policy on Business travel Program
  • 1505.1 – Procedure on Applying for a Diner’s Club Card
  • 1505.1f – Diner’s Club Application Form
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