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To: Campus Unit Finance Leads, University Business Managers, Res_Info listserv, Bank of America (BoA) Works Users
From: Travis Henderson, Director of Procurement Services & Materials Management

Procurement Services is introducing new training and infraction policies in order to improve P-Card monitoring and auditing. Policy, procedure and form changes have been reviewed by campus stakeholders and are now published, including a new policy, 1253 Policy on Purchase Card (P-Card) Infractions.

Required Training

All University employees with Works access, including Accountholders, Group Proxy Reconcilers and Group Approvers must complete Purchasing Card (P-Card) training during initial P-Card setup and at card renewal. Required trainings for each access level is listed below. Please note the training(s) that may apply to you or your unit/department staff.

Mandatory training for all Works users must be completed by Sept. 30, 2019.  After this date, existing accounts or user access will be suspended until the required trainings are completed, and new users will be required to complete training before Works access is granted.

Infraction Enforcement

Effective July 16, 2019, all P-Card Infractions stated in the P-Card Handbook will be enforced. The following are general descriptions of Accountholder infractions as outlined in the Infraction Policy and P-Card Handbook:

  1. Failure to reconcile transactions by the first business day of the month following the end of the billing cycle. The account will be suspended until all outstanding transactions are reconciled.
  2. Failure to provide a valid business justification for purchase (i.e. reason for purchase).
  3. Failure to immediately report loss or theft of a card upon discovery.
  4. Splitting transactions to circumvent transaction limits.
  5. Failure to supply valid receipt, invoice, or other support documentation.
  6. Using P-Card to purchase non-allowable items per the P-Card policy or misuse of any temporary exception to Purchasing Card restrictions.
  7. Failure to clean up the P-Card Clearing Account 559530 by the end of following month. It is the responsibility of the P-Card Accountholder’s unit to ensure the correct Chartfield String (CFS) is assigned to P-Card transactions and to clear P-Card Clearing Account 559530 every month, therefore an infraction will count against the Group Proxy Reconciler and/or Group Approver.
  8. Other infractions warranting disciplinary actions, as deemed appropriate by the P-Card Administrator or the Accountholder’s Business Manager or Department Head.

Consequences for infractions are as follows*:

  • First offense: Courtesy email warning to Accountholder, Group Approver and Accountholder’s direct supervisor
  • Second offense: Email notification of infraction to Accountholder, Accountholder’s direct supervisor, unit Business Manager, and Campus Unit Finance Lead or Dean
  • Third or greater offense: Thirty (30) to ninety (90)-day suspension of Accountholder’s P-Card

* Infractions will be tracked on a rolling 12-month basis.  The P-Card team reserves the right to reduce or escalate corrective actions at its sole discretion.

Purchasing Card Abuse

P-Card abuse is defined as the intentional or unintentional violation of P-Card policies and procedures for personal gain.

  • Abuse violations are cause for immediate cancellation of your P-Card.  The Accountholder, Group Proxy Reconciler, Group Approver, Direct Supervisor, Campus Unit Finance Lead, Department Head and Dean/Vice Chancellor will receive an email notification of any abuse violation.
  • Department Head or Dean/Vice Chancellor is responsible for taking appropriate disciplinary action after consulting with Human Resources, up to and including termination of employment.

Questions concerning required training for Works users and the new University Infraction Policy can be directed to

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