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To: Deans, Directors and Department Chairs (DDD), Campus Unit Finance Leads (CUFL), University Business Managers (UBM)
From: Missy Wilson-Grissom, Lead Travel Accounting Technician and Janet Rupert, Director of Accounts Payable and Travel Services

As of July 1, the State of North Carolina has increased subsistence by 4.6% and will remain in effect for years 2019-2021. Per diem rates are now as listed below:

Per Diem Rates
Item In-State Out-of-State
Breakfast $8.60 $8.60
Lunch $11.30 $11.30
Dinner $19.50 $22.20
Lodging $ 75.10 $ 88.70
Total $114.50 $130.80

Relevant policies and the Allowances page are being updated. Mileage rates remain the same as from January 9, 2019 (see memo).

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