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To: HR Officers/ Secondary Contacts, MOU Financial Leads, Business Managers
From: Walter Miller, Director of Payroll Services
Date: September 11, 2018
Re: Biweekly pay day on Friday September 14

As the University will be operating under Adverse Weather Condition 2 (Suspended Operations) on Friday September 14 which is a biweekly pay date, I am writing to inform you of changes associated with that pay date. Direct Deposit is being processed as normal and is not affected by the University’s suspended operations. Paper checks will be distributed once the University resumes normal operations. Paper checks are not available before Friday’s pay date.

For your information, over 99 percent of the payroll checks are distributed via direct deposit. The University mandates direct deposit for all employees to ensure timely payment in cases such as these.

If you have any questions, please send them to

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