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To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support

Fiscal Year End Sign Off

The sign off deadlines that include the last day of the previous Fiscal Year, June 30, 2018, have not changed.

  • Biweekly 01 (6/24/18 – 7/8/18) Sign Off Deadline is due at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, July 10, 2018.
  • June Monthly Sign Off Deadline is due at 5:00 p.m. on July 15, 2018.  The monthly sign off deadline is always the 15th of the month.

For previous Fiscal Year leave reporting, employees’ Vacation, Bonus, and Sick leave balances need to be up to date in TIM as of June 30, 2018.  Please follow up with employees with your usual reminder process.

If you are entering historical corrections for Vacation, Bonus, or Sick hours in the previous fiscal year ending June, 30, 2018, you should wait to sign off the timecard until after you have finished making the corrections but before the sign off deadline.  This way, the corrections will be effective in the previous Fiscal Year.

Holiday Reminders

  • Holiday hours appear automatically in TIM for SHRA employees with 50%, 75%, 80%, and 100% FTE.  For SHRA part time permanent employees whose FTE percentage is not equal to 50%, 75% or 80%, TIM Administrators must enter the Holiday pay code and the pro-rated amount of holiday hours on the day with the holiday in the timecard.
  • If an employee is not eligible to receive holiday hours, insert a row on the day with the holiday, select the Holiday pay code, and enter a negative amount of hours in the timecard.
  • Hours worked on a Holiday will automatically be calculated as Regular or Overtime.  If the hours worked on the Holiday were required to be worked, the TIM Administrator or Manager will insert a row, select the Holiday Premium pay code, and enter the amount of hours worked on the holiday.  The actual hours worked should not be removed.  The hours worked and Holiday Premium hours should both be entered in the timecard on the Holiday worked.

TIM Administrator Manual & Next Class

The TIM Administrator Manual has been updated with two new sections for pay code definitions and Voluntary Shared Leave instructions.  The Reports section has been updated.  The latest TIM training materials are posted online.

The next new TIM Administrator class will be held on Friday, July 27 from 1:00-4:30 p.m. in the Administrative Office Building (AOB) 3101.

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