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To: Finance and Service Center of Excellence Staff, Department of Finance, University Business Managers and MOU Financial Leads

From: Jonathan Pruitt, Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations

Date: May 4 (Finance and SCE Staff) May 7 (University Business Managers and MOU Financial Leads)

Subject: Announcement regarding Dwayne Pinkney, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations

I am writing to let you know that Dwayne Pinkney has decided to conclude his service as Chief Financial Officer and Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Operations to accept a new opportunity at Virginia Tech as Senior Vice President for Operations and Administration starting Aug. 1.  Dwayne’s last day at Carolina will be July 31.

Dwayne’s support as strategic adviser and principal deputy in Finance and Operations has been critical during recent F&O leadership transitions. Additionally, his oversight of the University’s financial, budget, and accounting operations and his leadership for the division’s shared administrative and business services functions has been essential to maintaining our service levels to campus while improving our processes.

During the past 14 years of Dwayne’s progression through the university ranks, he has been and continues to be a steadfast and respected leader. I have personally known Dwayne for most of those 14 years and believe that his integrity and commitment to this university has been an inspiration for many of us.

Dwayne’s Carolina roots run deep. He earned his Ph.D. in political science here, and he and his wife have two sons who are students in UNC System schools. Dwayne was promoted to his current position in December 2016 after serving as vice provost for finance and academic planning since 2010 and secretary of the university since 2014. Previously, he served as the assistant vice chancellor for finance and administration and special assistant to the Chancellor for state and local relations. Prior to joining UNC-Chapel Hill in 2004, Pinkney was an associate vice president for finance for the UNC System and spent six years as a fiscal analyst with the North Carolina General Assembly.

During his time as CFO and Senior Associate Vice Chancellor, he was instrumental in establishing a framework for consolidated administrative and business service functions for F&O. He has partnered with the provost’s office and university leaders to improve the University’s process for resource management, planning and allocation – our new budget model – which is central to The Blueprint for Next.  From his earliest days with the University, Dwayne has been a leader in efforts to improve University operations.  In 2007, he led the University’s participation in the President’s Advisory Commission on Efficiency and Effectiveness (PACE), serving as the primary liaison between the University and UNC General Administration.  Throughout his tenure as Vice Provost for Finance and Academic Planning, he led the University’s tuition and fee planning process, resulting in increased tuition receipts for the professional schools.  Dwayne also supported the planning of off-the-model tuition programs for schools seeking to start new programs without appropriations from the legislature.

We will continue to provide you with updates related to this transition. Please join me in thanking Dwayne for his many years of leadership and dedication to Carolina. We wish him the very best.

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