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To: University Business Managers, RASG
From: Valorie Buchholz, RN, BSN, CCRC, CHRC, Office of Clinical Trials
Below, please find instructions for reporting study subject payments for Calendar Year 2017.  As indicated in the attachment, Disbursement Services must receive this information by 5:00 pm January 19, 2018.  Please be aware that Disbursement Services cannot guarantee any data received after that date will be captured on original 1099 reporting.  If the data is received after January 19, 2018, corrected forms may have to be issued January 31, 2018.
We apologize for the short turn-around time required to send the spreadsheet to Disbursement Services.  We had to come up with a solution so the information being sent meets the University’s security policies around sensitive information.

Urgent:  UNC Disbursement Services Tax Reporting Obligations for Study Participants

Disbursement Services at UNC-Chapel Hill is required to send an IRS Form 1099 to individuals who receive $600 or more from the University during a calendar year.  This includes study subjects who meet this reporting threshold. In order to meet this reporting requirement, Disbursement Services requests information for any study participant who has received $200 or more in payments from the University. This information helps to ensure they capture all payments that may total $600 during the calendar year.

The deadline for reporting this information to Disbursement Services is 5:00 pm January 19, 2018.

Disbursement Services MUST receive the following study participant information:

· Name

· Address

· Social Security Number

· Amount participant received

NOTE:  The information to be submitted to Disbursement services is sensitive and MUST be provided to Disbursement Services in the form of a spreadsheet that is PASSWORD PROTECTED.

Please send the PASSWORD PROTECTED spreadsheet via your UNC email account to the following secure mailbox:

Once the spreadsheet has been emailed, please call Judy LeDoux, Disbursement Accountant, Disbursement Services, at (919) 843- 5096 and provide Judy with your name, telephone number in case there are any questions, and the password.

***If your study participants receive payment via a check from the University, you DO NOT need to submit a spreadsheet to Disbursement Services for 1099 tax reporting purposes.  Disbursement Services already has the necessary information.***

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