As fall hiring season is not far away, this is a reminder that new employees (including student employees) will need to act if they want to change their tax withholding from the default status. Verifying their state and federal tax withholding allowances should be done online using the Connect Carolina SelfService menu. Please advise them of the information below.
Upon hire, the federal and state tax withholding for all new employees is set to marital status = Single and number of personal allowances = 0 (zero). If an employee wants to claim Single and 0 (zero) for both federal and state tax allowances, the employee does not need to do anything. If the employee wants to claim something other than Single and 0 (zero), the employee will need to make the change online by accessing the employee’s federal and state of North Carolina income tax withholding forms (W-4 and NC-4 forms) through SelfService after the individual has ConnectCarolina access.