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To:  Finance Council, University Business Managers, Finance Staff, MOU Financial Leads

From: Dwayne Pinkney, Senior Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and CFO

I am writing to let you know that Aimee L. Turner is resigning her position as executive director, enterprise financial accounting and controller, effective January 24, and has accepted the chief financial officer position at Duke Clinical Research Institute.

Aimee joined our leadership team in 2016 at a critical time, and was responsible for leading accounting services and working with campus stakeholders to identify and address financial reporting needs. In addition to coordinating the year-end audit process and ensuring internal controls, her team continued producing our award-winning Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Moving forward, we are well positioned because of Aimee’s leadership and the team’s efforts.

While we oversee the search process for a permanent replacement, the direct reporting units – Accounting Services, Financial Reporting and Management Services, Foundation and Investment Accounting and Internal Controls – will report to me in the interim.  We plan to post the controller position as soon as possible.

We will continue to provide you with updates related to this transition. In the meantime, please congratulate Aimee on her new opportunity.  We wish her the best.

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