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To: MOU Leads

From: Aimee Turner, Executive Director for Enterprise Financial Accounting and University Controller

As a reminder, we are required to report certain benefits provided to University employees for proper tax reporting on the Form W-2.  This includes the employee use of an employer-provided vehicle, employer-paid membership in a club (e.g., Carolina Club, Admiral Club) or employer-paid moving expenses.  If you are aware of this activity in your MOU, please provide this information for the period of November 1, 2016, to October 31, 2017.

Please refer to the forms below for further instructions and information.  After completing a form for each applicable employee, please send them to Stephanie May by November 2, 2017.

Contact information is as follows:

Stephanie May, Payroll Tax Accountant

CB #1260


T: (919) 962 6309

Please do not hesitate to contact Stephanie or me if you have any questions.  Thank you.

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