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To: University Business Managers, Major Organizational Unit (MOU) Financial Leads, Finance Staff, HR Officers and Secondary Contacts
From: Walter Miller, Director of Payroll Services

I am pleased to welcome a new addition to the Finance Payroll Services team. Effective October 9, Stephanie Kidd became the Payroll Manager. In this role, Stephanie oversees the day-to-day payroll operations and assists me with payroll initiatives while increasing overall customer service.
Stephanie has worked for the University for 21 years. Most recently, Stephanie worked with the University’s capital planning, budgeting, and tax compliance processes in Treasury Services as a Treasury Accountant. Prior to that, Stephanie worked in Payroll Services for almost nine years as the Payroll Tax Accountant and acted as the Assistant Director of Payroll Services. Stephanie is a UNC-Chapel Hill graduate and holds a bachelor’s in Public Policy and Analysis. She also has a Master of Business Administration and Master of Health Administration from Pfeiffer University.

I want to thank the following individuals who joined me on the search committee for this position: DeAhn Baucom, Beau Jimmerson, Stephanie May and Shauna Stackhouse.

Please join me in welcoming Stephanie to her new role.

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