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To: University Business Managers, Research Administrative Support Group (RASG), Finance Council Members
CC: HR Officers and Secondary Contacts, MOU Financial Leads
From: Walter Miller, Director of Payroll Services

As some of you may know, we are working on a redesigned paystub, which will be implemented in October. Since it has been three years since the implementation of ConnectCarolina, the time is right to take advantage of system features that will give employees more useful information.

Beginning in October, your paystub will have a new look that provides more information about earnings and deductions, which are frequently requested by employees. Although we plan to share the information below with all employees in the coming weeks, we wanted to give you advance notice of what to expect as we prepare to rollout the new look to the paystub.

A few key points:

  • Nothing about employee pay is changing – only the way the paystub looks.
  • Information that is currently available on the paystub will remain with the addition of some enhancements and new information.
  • The display location and format of most items on the paystub will be different.  The information is accurate but will have a different look.
  • A preview of the paystub and an explanation of changes is available online at:
  • Paystubs issued in October will be in the new format (Oct. 13 for biweekly pay dates, Oct. 31 for monthly pay dates).

We plan to send Formal Notice emails to employees in advance of the rollout of the new paystub.  We will also include this information in employee paystub notification emails in advance of the change.

Please let me know if you have questions or concerns.  We appreciate your assistance with this transition.

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