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To: MOU Financial Leads, University Business Managers, HR Officers and Secondary Contacts, Research Administrators Support Group

From: Walter Miller, Interim Director of Payroll Services

As mentioned in a communication dated November 9, 2016, payroll suspense was projected to be implemented with the B14 Payroll.  Payroll suspense is now expected to go live with the M07 payroll which pays January 31, 2017.  Beginning with the M07 and B15 payroll distributions, funding end dates will be treated as hard end dates in the payroll distribution process, and any payroll charges with expired funding end dates will be sent to payroll suspense.

Schools/departments are encouraged to review suspense transactions using the Current Suspense Charges Report and the Suspense Analysis Report, and move those charges to the appropriate funding source as soon as possible. Also review the Funding End Date Notification Report to see those sources which may be sent to suspense when this process resumes and submit the appropriate ePAR action to update the employee’s funding sources as needed. Training on these reports is available at

If you have any questions, please feel free to email

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