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To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support

The upgraded TIM will be live on Monday, Nov. 21! Please review the November TIM Deadlines and reminder of TIM changes that will occur with the upgrade below.

Also, attached to this email for your review is a list of TIM functionality that is not changing with the upgrade. This was compiled from questions asked in TIM Administrator training classes.

November TIM Deadlines

TIM Upgrade TIM Administrator Training

REMINDER! Review the Navigation, Managing Timecards and Historical Corrections CBTs by Today, Friday, Nov. 18 in preparation for the upgrade,

TIM Upgrade Outage

TIM will be taken offline from 5 p.m., Today, Friday, Nov. 18 to 5 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 20 at the latest.

Be sure to review the employee and manager outage instructions provided in the communication sent to all employees,

TIM Upgrade Go Live

The TIM Upgrade will be live on Monday, Nov. 21. To learn more about the TIM Upgrade and to find training materials, please refer to the TIM Upgrade website,

EHRA October Sign Off Deadline

The EHRA sign off deadline has not changed. EHRA October timecards must be signed off by 5p.m. on Friday, Nov. 25.

FLSA TIM Go Live Date

As previously communicated, SHRA and EHRA exempt employees affected by the FLSA change will become non-exempt in the Upgraded TIM on Monday, Nov. 28.

Upgrade Changes Reminder

Historical edits are now Historical Corrections in the upgraded TIM. TIM Administrators identified by their school/division HR officers to have this access and that have attended a TIM Administrator upgrade training class will have access to this feature starting on Monday, Nov. 21. Due to the complexity of this feature, please review the Historical Corrections CBT again before processing a correction, Be sure to add a Comment and detailed Note to every historical correction!

Pay Code Moves made in the Totals tab is removed in the upgraded TIM. Instructions for how to handle these moves are included in the TIM Administrator manual,

The TeleTime system is also being upgraded this weekend. The TeleTime phone number is expected to stay the same. An updated manual is posted online for TeleTime employees, If you have employees that use TeleTime, you can forward this link to them.

The Manager Delegation feature is not included in the upgraded TIM. Managers have until 5 p.m. today, Nov. 18 to complete any needed manager delegations. The delegation must be fully completed before the upgrade outage today. The ability for managers to delegate authority to another manager will be included in TIM in a future update.

The Ad Hoc Hyperfinds feature is not included in the upgraded TIM. However, you will have access in the upgraded TIM to all of the personal hyperfinds you have saved before the upgrade outage at 5 p.m. today, Nov. 18. The ability to create hyperfinds will be included in TIM in a future update.

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