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To: All UNC Employees

From: Information Technology Services and Payroll Services

Re: New 2-Step Verification for Online W-2 Forms

On October 5, UNC-Chapel Hill will implement 2-Step Verification, a process designed to secure and safeguard personal information and vital University data and credentials. At a time when phishing scams are becoming ever more frequent on our campus, this enhancement is part of our ongoing work to ensure that personal and University information remains secured and protected.

This new security layer is called 2-Step Verification. Also commonly referred to as 2-Factor or Multi-Factor authentication, 2-Step Verification adds a second layer of security to account access – and is being used by banks, stores and other places where people have online accounts. In order to authenticate and sign in, you have to provide something you know (e.g., your Onyen and password) and use something you have (a mobile device or landline phone). Whenever you sign in, a special access code is sent to your mobile device or landline phone and is used to prove you’re you before you can complete signing in to your account. If you’ve received a code sent to your phone before you could sign in to a financial account or personal email account, you’ve used 2-Step Verification!

2-Step Verification Required for Online W-2 Access

The first use of 2-Step Verification will be for employees to access online W-2 forms. Employees who want to view their W-2 form online will need to register for 2-Step Verification before being able to access their online W-2.

Quick Answers

  • What is Duo? Our 2-Step Verification service is powered by Duo Security, a proven solution in multi-factor authentication. You will see “Duo” referenced throughout the registration process.
  • Do I have to register for 2-Step Verification? Currently, 2-Step Verification is only required if you want to use ConnectCarolina Self Service to view or print your W-2 for 2014 and after, including for 2016. (W-2s for years prior to 2014 are not available in ConnectCarolina and have to be requested from Payroll Services.)
  • Do I need 2-Step Verification for anything else? Right now, 2-Step Verification is just for online W-2 access but will likely be expanded to other secure online functions in the coming year.
  • Is my paper W-2 going away?  Not this year. In January 2017, all employees will receive a printed W-2 for tax year 2016 and will have access to the 2016 W-2 through ConnectCarolina Self Service. As in the past, employees still will be able to view and print their W-2s for 2014 and after from ConnectCarolina Self Service. Opting into 2-Step Verification does not opt employees out of receiving a paper copy of the W-2 form in January 2017.

Want to access your W-2 online? Here’s how to get started…

  1. Make sure you have:
    1. 5-10 minutes of uninterrupted time to complete the process;
    2. Your PID available;
    3. Access to a mobile device or landline phone.
  2. Visit and click on the “2-Step Verification” icon.
  3. Sign in to your account.
  4. Follow the steps to select and confirm your preferred 2-Step Verification method (a text message, landline phone call or a “push” notification).
  5. Visit ConnectCarolina to access your online W-2 via the Self-Service menu.

How do I get help?

  • Help Documentation related to 2-Step Verification, including step-by-step instructions, is available by visiting:
  • Employees with questions about 2-Step Verification can also contact the ITS Service Desk at 919-962-HELP for assistance.
  • Step-by-step instructions and user tips related to viewing and printing W-2 forms can be found on the ConnectCarolina User Information website, Online Employee Tax Forms page.

As always, we appreciate your ongoing support as we work to increase the security of our valuable online data.


Information Technology Services & Payroll Services

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