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To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support
Date: June 13, 2016
Subject: Biweekly 25 Deadline, Holiday Reminders, June EPA Deadline

Biweekly 25 (5/30 – 6/12) Sign Off Deadline

The Biweekly 25 (5/30 – 6/12) Sign Off deadline was printed incorrectly on the calendar. The deadline has not been changed. Sign off is due tomorrow by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 14, 2016.

Important Reminders for the Memorial Day Holiday on Monday, May 30

  • * Holiday hours appear automatically in TIM for SPA employees with 50%, 75%, 80%, and 100% FTE. For SPA part time permanent employees whose FTE percentage is not equal to 50%, 75% or 80%, TIM Administrators must enter the Holiday pay code and the pro-rated amount of holiday hours on the holiday in the timecard.
  • If an employee is not eligible to receive holiday hours, insert a row on the day with the holiday and enter the “Holiday Forfeit” pay code and a negative amount of hours in the timecard.
  • Employees in an ‘On Leave’ status may appear as active in TIM. If an employee On Leave appears in your list in TIM, you must enter the “Holiday Forfeit” pay code and a negative amount of hours in the timecard to ensure the employee is not paid for the Holiday hours.
  • Hours worked on a Holiday will automatically appear as Regular or Overtime and are no longer assigned to the Holiday Pending Approval pay code. If the hours worked on the Holiday were required, the TIM Administrator or Manager will insert a row and enter the ‘Holiday Premium’ pay code and the amount of hours worked on the holiday.

June EPA Termination Payout Deadline

  • For EPA terminations occurring between June 1 and June 30, leave payouts must be entered in TIM by 5:00 p.m. on this Thursday, June 16, 2016. This deadline has been moved up due to the early close for the month of June.

Please note:

  • EPA terminations that will be effective in the current month must be entered in TIM by the published deadline and they must be entered on June dates in the timecard.
  • June timecard entries made in TIM after 5 p.m. on June 16 will not be extracted to Payroll.
  • For EPA Non-Faculty employees transferring into another EPA Non-Faculty position in a different department, leave payouts should be entered in TIM. To ensure leave payout hours are paid from the terminating department, indicate that information on a Payroll Exception Sheet.
  • Terminating EPA Non-Faculty employees that have an active EPA Faculty position in ConnectCarolina (even if they are on a zero base rate) or are transferring into a SPA Temporary or Student position, will need to have a Payroll Exception Sheet submitted instead.
  • Note: For terminated EPA employees only, if leave payouts are not entered in TIM by the deadline (6/16/16), the leave payouts may be entered on the first day of the following month (7/1/16). Those entries will be sent to payroll in July. Entries made in the timecard on June dates after the deadline (6/16/16) will not be extracted.
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