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To: MOU Leads
Business Managers
HR Officers

From: Brian Simet, Payroll Director
Andy Johns, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
Fran Dykstra, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enterprise Applications, ITS

Date: September 29, 2015

A new Payroll Accounting Adjustment Tool (PAAT) will be released in late October to replace the Short Term Retro tool that has been in use since last spring.  To ensure an orderly transition from the Short Term Retro tool to PAAT, campus access to enter or approve transactions will end at 4 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 19.  It will not be possible to enter payroll funding adjustments during the following six business days: Oct. 20-23 and Oct. 26-27.

IMPORTANT: This means that all actions in the Short Term Retro Tool (known formally as the Retroactive Funding Transfer Application) must be fully approved by Departments AND MOUs by Oct. 19 at 4 p.m.  Any actions that are in the Short Term Retro Tool and NOT fully approved by this time will be deleted from the system and will need to be re-entered in PAAT when it is launched on Oct. 28.  Between Oct. 20 and Oct. 27, final OSR and Budget Office reviews will occur, the transactions will be posted and converted back into ConnectCarolina so they are available to PAAT.

The Funding Swap ePAR form will continue to be available to make funding changes for the current or future pay periods.  Beginning Oct. 28, you will use PAAT to make funding changes for past pay periods.  Please note that in PAAT, like the Short Term Retroactive Funding tool, you cannot make retro funding changes for payrolls prior to Oct. 1, 2014 (when ConnectCarolina launched).

In the coming weeks, you will be receiving much more information on PAAT including the date of a webinar that will provide training on the tool.

Please use the coming weeks to complete transactions already entered into the Short Term Retro Tool and to enter and approve any transactions you need to complete before Oct. 19.

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