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To: HR Officers and Secondary Contacts
University Business Managers

From: Brian Simet, Interim Director, Payroll Services

Date: August 28, 2015

The implementation of ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll provides the University with the ability to withhold the state payroll tax of the state in which an employee resides and works if it is outside of North Carolina. Our intent is to leverage this previously unavailable functionality beginning with the 2016 tax year. In the next few months we will need to (a) identify these individuals, (b) identify the state other than NC in which they are residing and working, (c) register with applicable state agencies in those identified states, (d) determine the tax withholding status these individuals would like to declare and (e) determine the tax withholding/remittance requirement of those identified states.

While we had hoped to leverage the information in the Business 2 Address field (work address) within ConnectCarolina HR/Payroll, this information may be incomplete or not current, causing some individuals to be overlooked. Therefore, we are asking for your help in identifying individuals who may be affected by this change in applicable tax withholding status.

In the chart on this sheet, please provide the PID, individual’s name, department number, street address, city, state, ZIP code, an estimate of the number of months that you anticipate the individual will work outside North Carolina in 2016 and the best way to contact the individual? Additionally, please have the employee(s) who both reside and work outside of North Carolina complete the form “The University of North Carolina Notice of Employee Both Residing and Working Outside of North Carolina.” The form should be returned to David Lucus, Payroll Taxation Manager, by close of business, Monday, Sept. 14. Please note that if there are no individuals within your unit currently living and working in states other than North Carolina, please complete the top section of the chart and mark “0” for the Number of Individuals to report.

A policy regarding the referenced form will be added in the near future. The form can currently be found at

If you have any questions, please contact David Lucus, Payroll Taxation Manager, at 919-962-0046 or

Cc: David Lucus

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