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To: University Business Managers
MOU Leads
HR Officers

From: Brian Simet, Interim Director, Payroll Services

This memorandum is an annual notice explaining the method used to calculate biweekly regular pay for SPA Permanent Staff. While biweekly pay is based on an employee’s annual salary for the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30), the 26 biweekly payrolls cover a different time period than the University’s fiscal year.

Biweekly regular pay for each fiscal year is dependent on the number of workdays in that fiscal year. Each biweekly pay period represents 80 work hours, which typically represents 8 hours a day for 10 workdays. The 26 biweekly payrolls provide payment for a total of 260 workdays. Because the first and last days of the 2015-2016 fiscal year are both workdays and because 2016 is a Leap Year and February 29, 2016 (Leap Day) is also a workday, there are 262 workdays in the 2015-2016 fiscal year, which represent 2096 work hours (262 workdays at 8 hours a day).

Since SPA staff members are paid for 260 work days within the fiscal year, the full annual salaries for SPA staff are paid over the 26 biweeklies plus one or two days in the very next biweekly.

The number of workdays and work hours for the next 3 fiscal years are displayed below:

Workdays and Work Hours
Fiscal Year Workdays Work Hours
2015-2016 262 2096
2016-2017 261 2088
2017-2018 260 2080

Fiscal year 2015-2016 contains 26 biweekly payrolls. Biweekly payrolls 01 through 26 in fiscal year 2015-2016 will provide pay for the pay periods from June 29, 2015, through June 26, 2016. Therefore, while their total annual salaries will remain the same, the biweekly pay amount for SPA permanent employees will be slightly decreased because of the increased number of total work hours.

For your information, SPA employees will be sent this email with their pay notification for July 24, 2015.

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