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To: School/Division HR Officers and Secondary Contacts
Business Managers
Student Services Managers

From: Steve Matson, Dean, The Graduate School
Beverly Wyrick, Director of Finance/Administration, The Graduate School

Graduate students may be hired for a semester, academic year, calendar year, or other time frames as needed. Each school/division has varying effective dates in order to meet their business need. The stipend calculator tool can assist users in determining what salary to enter on the ePAR form, given the graduate student’s start/expected job end dates, to ensure the intended amount of pay.  The stipend calculator can be found on The Graduate School’s website (scroll to bottom of webpage) and is attached to this email. The example attached is for an academic year appointment.

Graduate students who receive tuition awards must meet the minimum stipend requirement for the fall and/or spring term.  Below are common scenarios for students hired with a 9-month appointment, or semester appointment, in academic year 2015-16:

Hiring Scenarios
Time Period Start Date Pay-Through Date Expected Job End Date
Fall Only 08/17/2015 12/31/2015 01/01/2016
Spring Only 01/01/2016 05/15/2016 05/16/2016
Academic Year 08/17/2015 05/15/2016 05/16/2016

The Start/Pay-Through dates used on the stipend calculator are for the purpose of determining the salary amount.  The expected job end date for the ePAR should be one day greater than the Pay-through date on the stipend calculator.  Please also review the instructions on returning EPA students from short work break.

If you have any questions, please contact Beverly Wyrick at 919-962-6318 or

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