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This Finance Division Update email is for Business Managers, MOU Leads, ConnectCarolina Finance Liaisons, Finance Council, Finance TIPs, Finance Campus Working Groups and Finance Division staff.  Please share with the ConnectCarolina Finance users in your school/division.  We will send updates weekly and as needed.

Top Issues

  • NEW!  Campus Vendor:  We have identified some vendor issues in regards to vendors being added through Campus Vendor pages with ACH info. When a user enters ACH information directly into the Campus Vendor page, it can create problems for creating a Campus Voucher or Web Travel request for that vendor.

    When creating a vendor in campus vendor that is an employee, please do not enter any ACH information.  This information is populated by a nightly feed from Payroll, and entering the information causes conflicts. For any vendors other than employees, users should continue to enter the ACH info if the vendor will be paid by ACH.

    Beginning on Tuesday, May 5, the ACH dropdown on Campus Vendor will be greyed out anytime the vendor being added is an employee. We are working on correcting the remaining issues as quickly as possible.

  • NEW! Vouchers:  A communication was sent to campus groups on April 29 regarding Business Process Update for Auto Deletion of Vouchers.  Automated deletion processes begin tonight so please review the memo for details!
  • NEW! Budgets:  A communication was sent today to MOU Leads regarding the fiscal year 2016 Budget Load.  MOU Leads will communicate with school/division staff on appropriate steps.

Important Reminders and Resources

  • Campus Journals:   Accounts that are in error cannot be changed through the campus journal.  If you have an account that was incorrectly charged in error, you need to contact Disbursement Services at  Remember that accounts can only be changed from one expense account to another expense account.  You cannot change an expense account to an asset, liability or revenue account.  This rule is mentioned on page 18 of the Campus Journals Student Guide used in training and found online.
  • Year-End Close Prep Course:  There are multiple sessions of the course Preparing for Year-End Close: Reviewing Open Transactions will discuss how to identify open (unposted) transactions and either delete or process them, in preparation for year-end close. Refer to the ConnectCarolina training calendar for dates and times.


Users should utilize the Business Systems Help Desk when they are unsure who to contact for issue resolution.  This is the fastest way to obtain assistance and allows the project team to be able to track issues to determine the scale of the impact to all users.

Users can reach the Business Systems Help Desk at 919-962-HELP or via a remedy ticket submitted online at (select ConnectCarolina > ConnectCarolina Finance > the appropriate area of concern).

Functional or business process questions – plus any tips you have to offer – can be added to the ConnectCarolina user discussion forums.
Suggestions for content can be emailed to

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