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To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support
Date: November 25, 2014

Required Holidays Worked Process Has CHANGED

It has come to our attention that due to the new ConnectCarolina system and how Overtime and Holiday hours are processed, you will no longer be able to “approve” a holiday worked to change the pay code from Holiday Pending Approval to Holiday Premium in TIM.

Hours worked on a Holiday will automatically appear as Regular or Overtime, instead of being assigned to the Holiday Pending Approval pay code.

PLEASE NOTE – If the hours worked on the Holiday were required, the TIM Administrator or Manager will now do the following in the timecard:

  1. Insert a new row in the timecard on the Holiday worked
  2. Select the pay code, Holiday Premium or Holiday Prem SD, if the hours worked qualified for shift differential
  3. Enter all of the hours worked on the Holiday that were required and save the timecard

The Holiday Premium amount entered in the timecard should equal the actual amount of hours worked on the holiday. More or less than 8 hours could be worked.

This simple process of entering the Holiday Premium pay code and hours in the timecard on the required holiday worked will ensure that the Holiday Premium hours will be paid at the premium rate and any overtime hours worked on the Holiday are paid at the Overtime rate. The process is the same for SPA Temporary and SPA Non-Exempt and SPA Exempt Permanent employees who are required to work on a Holiday.

If the hours worked on the Holiday were not required, no action is needed.

The updated “Required Holiday Worked” section from the TIM Administrator Manual Part 2 is available for your use. It will be posted online on Monday.

Holiday Reminders

  • Holidays do not always appear in future pay periods. They will appear when the Holiday is in the current week.
  • Holiday hours appear automatically in TIM for SPA and EPA Full Time and Part Time employees with 50%, 75%, and 80% FTE. For part time permanent employees whose FTE percentage is not equal to 50%, 75% or 80%, TIM Administrators must enter the Holiday pay code and the pro-rated amount of holiday hours on each holiday in the timecard.
  • If an employee is not eligible to receive a holiday, insert a row on the day with the holiday and enter the “Holiday Forfeit” pay code and a negative amount of hours in the timecard.
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