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To:     MOU Leads
University Business Managers

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director of Procurement Services

Date:     October 6, 2014

Some Web Travel users are experiencing a range of problems when using the system.  We are working extremely hard to resolve these problems, which are summarized below.  This list also includes the status of resolving the items.

  1. Some users are experiencing difficulties when they attach a document in Web Travel and then cannot retrieve it from ImageNow to display.  The cause is that prior to 2007 there was a mainframe-based travel system that also used T-number documents.  As you know, travel documents from ViewStar were converted to ImageNow.  Unfortunately, some of the pre-2007 document T-numbers match T-numbers that were used until Friday.  A code change to remedy this problem is in process and will be deployed this evening (Oct. 6).  No one entering a document today, Oct. 6,  should experience this problem.
  2. A few users have experienced an error saying that the filename of their document is too long to be attached.  A bug fix for this problem was applied this afternoon.
  3. A number of users  have received a message that their document is too large to attach.  Early this afternoon we increased the file size allowed to 1.5MB.  We intend to further increase this limit after we have completed testing for larger document sizes.
  4. Users who choose to send their document to a department to get the chartfield string entered instead of entering it themselves are receiving a “general error 4” when they attempt to submit their document.  A bug fix was applied this afternoon.
  5. A number of users are experiencing problems with routing their documents for approval.  We believe the majority of these problems are FRED Administrator setup problems.  We will assist these users as soon as we can to help resolve the situation and determine if any of them are problems beyond setup.  This may take until end of day Tuesday, Oct. 7, to complete.
  6. A number of users have received an error saying that the department related to the account has not been set up in new FRED and does not have access to Web Travel. We are actively investigating this problem but do not yet have a fix determined.
  7. Some users receive a pop-up window with the question “Is this travel Contracts and Grants (C&G) trainee related” and when they select “No” they find their chartfield string is erased and they cannot proceed with the transaction.  This is a known problem and there is a workaround.  If you have the pop-up window appear and the travel transaction is not C&G Trainee related, do not select “No”.  Simply select “Cancel” and you will be able to proceed.

We have a few other tickets about situations that have been experienced rarely.  We will work to resolve these situations as soon as the problems being experienced by a broader group of users have been resolved.

Thank you for your patience as we work through these situations.

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