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To: TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support
Date: November 22, 2013

The “Calendar Year End Information” document should be read first. It provides important information about the following Calendar Year End items:

  • Negative Vacation and Sick Balances
  • Calendar Year End Sign Off Schedule
  • Vacation Rollover
  • Pro-rated Holiday Hours

The “Using the Accrual Reporting Period Genie” and “Negative Year End Leave Instructions” documents will assist with identifying and processing negative Vacation and Sick balances in TIM at calendar year end. Also, a new “Accrual Reporting Period Genie” snippet has been posted online for your use.

The “EPA Leave Carry Over HR Memo” sent to HR Officers this week provides detailed information about the change to part-time EPA employee’s vacation carry over balance limit and is attached for your reference.

Finally, the “Manual Carry Over Leave Balance Adjustment” document provides instructions for manually processing the Vacation Rollover for SPA part-time permanent employees whose FTE percentage is not equal to 50%, 75% or 80% on Jan. 1, 2014.

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