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To:     TIM Administrators
From: TIM Support

Required- Individual TIM Access Review (All TIM Administrators)

  • Go to the online TIM Administrator Lookup, type in your name or PID number and review your current access settings.
  • If any changes need to be made to your access settings, please submit a completed TIM Administrator Access Request Form.

Required- Department TIM Access Review (All Primary TIM Administrators)

Primary TIM Administrators are required to review the TIM Administrator access settings for their department(s).

  • Go to the online TIM Administrator Lookup, type in each department number for which you are the Primary and review the TIM Administrator access settings.
  • If any changes need to be made, please submit a completed TIM Administrator Access Request Form.
  • If you are unsure of which departments you are the Primary for, go to the online TIM Administrator Lookup, type in your name or PID number and review your access settings.

*Primary TIM Administrators should review who has access to their department(s) periodically throughout the year.*

PLEASE NOTE – Departments with Terminated or Inactive TIM Administrators

A TIM Administrator Access Request Form must be submitted when a TIM Administrator becomes Inactive or Terminated.

If the Inactive or Terminated TIM Administrator is the Primary, you will need to submit two TIM Administrator Access Request forms. One form is to remove their access to your department(s) and another form is to set up someone as the Primary TIM Administrator.

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