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To: University Business Managers, Procurement card (Pcard) holders and reconcilers

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director of Procurement Services

Date: November 2, 2011

Below are a few clarifying points related to the new system. As always, please contact us if you have further questions.

Roles in Pcard System

There are only two (2) roles in the Pcard System: 1-cardholder and 2-approver/reconciler. It is the department’s decision as to which of these roles is responsible for the receipt data entry.

System Access/Who Needs a FACS ID?

***The need for a FACS ID is driven by need to access the system, either to enter data or to approve/reconcile transactions. If the cardholder will not be entering data, no FACS ID is needed for that individual. ***

Individuals who were Pcard holders and approvers/reconcilers prior to the new system’s implementation and who actively accessed the system, already have access to the new system. Only new Pcard holders or cardholders who have never accessed the system will need a FACS ID. As mentioned above, this applies only if that individual will be entering receipt data.

Updated Form

The Purchasing Card Application (1252.1.1f) located on the forms page of the Policies and Procedures Manual has been updated with the addition of clarifying language about Pcard roles and access.

Training Reminders

A variety of training options and materials are available:

  • Hands-on training: Sign up for a training session held at AOB. Browse by “Finance Training” to see all the Pcard training dates. Email if all sessions are full, and we will add additional sessions.
  • Self-paced training: Brief web-based training sessions provide the same content as the hands-on training, but in a compressed format. Sessions can be viewed here this website.
  • User guides: New pCard user guides/manuals are available online.

In the meantime, if you have questions about Pcard, send them to Hua Shen at or 919-962-2255 or Dale Poole at  or 919-962-3477.

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