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To: University Business Managers, Procurement card (Pcard) holders and reconcilers

From: Martha Pendergrass, Director of Procurement Services

Date: October 4, 2011

Beginning October 24, 2011, the new Pcard system will be live and available for use.

The new Pcard system will be similar to the one used now, with a change requiring reconcilers to key individual items from a receipt, much like what is done now with the Small Order Process. The system will look and feel like the Small Order Process in the current PeopleSoft implementation.

Why are we switching to a new Pcard system?

  1. Capturing line-level detail is the first step in the process recommended by the Bain Study and championed by Carolina Counts. Like the Small Order Process, the goal is for the University to strategically negotiate lower prices based on purchases.
  2. The Pcard system needed to be upgraded to match current banking technology.

Will I need training?

Departmental business processes dictate who needs training, and what kind of training is needed. Attending a demonstration session may be all that is needed for some Pcard holders (users) while others may also be reconcilers and need to attend classroom training or review a CBT. Please speak with your business manager or department chair to determine the appropriate training for you.

Training Options Available

A variety of training options and materials are available to help you get ready:

  • Demo and Information Sessions: Starting October 11, 2011, we will hold auditorium-style information sessions, where you can see a demonstration of the Pcard system and ask questions. These are not training sessions; registration is not necessary. Sessions currently scheduled are:
    • Oct. 11, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Pleasants Family Assembly Room, Wilson Library
    • Oct. 19, 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Room 4008 (Clinic Auditorium), Old Clinic Building
  • Hands-on training: Sign up for a training session held at AOB beginning October 18th. Browse by “Finance Training” to see all the Pcard training dates. Email if all sessions are full, and we will add additional sessions.
  • Self-paced training: Brief web-based training sessions provide the same content as the hands-on training, but in a compressed format. Sessions will be available from this website starting October 24.
  • User guides: New pCard will be available online by October 11.

In the meantime, if you have questions about Pcard, send them to Hua Shen at or 919-962-2255 or Dale Poole at or 919-962-3477.

Note: This message has been sent to Deans, Directors and Department Chairs.

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