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To:  Business Managers

From:  Janet Kelly-Scholle, Director, Communications and Training

Date:  September 10, 2009

The first phase of our redesigned Finance Policy and Procedure Manual launches today and includes many campus-requested features.  The new site can be accessed at and bookmarks to the Finance Policy and Procedure Manual should be reset.

The redesign and rewrite of the many documents in the Manual is only partially complete and will continue over the next several months as we transition from the former URL. Documents not yet available in the new Manual will remain accessible during the transition via a link to the former Manual until all documents have been revised and relocated.

The new content and look of the Manual is in direct response to feedback from campus users and those within our own division. Once completed, the new Manual will serve as the core resource for users when seeking information about financial rules and functions of the University.

Site features implemented at the urging of campus include:

  • Policies and procedures grouped and accessible from the same page
  • Print/email-friendly policy and procedure pages
  • Documents organized by chart of accounts structure instead of departmental structure
  • Forms library
  • Comprehensive glossary
  • Contact information for every policy and procedure
  • Improved search functionality
  • Policy Updates section that displays recently updated documents
  • Related Data section that lists links and documents supporting the policy/procedure, including state laws; tutorials; and examples and sample reports.
  • References to laws and regulations as a basis for policies and procedures (as recommended by Bain study)
  • In addition, a numerical system will guide the user by grouping related policies, procedures, forms and related data documents.
    For example:
    1101 = policy number
    1101.1 = procedure number
    1101.1.1f = first form for procedure listed above
    1101.1.1rd = first related data document for procedure listed above

The site will continue to develop, and we appreciate your patience during this transition. If you have questions or comments about the site, we invite you to use our new “Ask a Question” option in the top right of every Manual page. Select “Policies and Procedures” from the Issue drop down menu and let us know if we’ve overlooked something or if you see an area we can improve upon.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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