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To:  University Business Managers

From:  Emily Coble, Cash Manager

Date:  January 15, 2009

Recently, Accounting Services has been receiving excess cash from cash advances for deposit via campus mail or interoffice envelope dropped off by the department personnel. Accounting Services is not set up to receive departmental deposits including currency and cash. According to the University guidelines provided by General Receipts policy, “Currency and coin deposits should never be sent through the campus mail.”

Unspent cash from the advance should be deposited at the Office of Student Accounts and University Receivables using the online Daily Cash Transmittal Report (linked from Departmental Deposits in Finance Central). The receipt from this deposit is required to be submitted with other documentation to Accounting Services in order to reconcile and settle the cash advance. The individual to whom the cash advance is issued is responsible for reconciliation of ALL the funds. If there are funds unaccounted for, the individual whose name is on the cash advance will either pay the difference or have it deducted from their paycheck. Please refer to the Cash Advances policy for more information.

I am requesting your cooperation in ensuring that employees in your unit are aware of these policies and procedures regarding Cash Advances and deposit of funds.

If you have any questions about the procedures, please contact me at 919-962-1601 or

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