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To:     HR Facilitators and Business Managers

From:  Elizabeth C. (Betsi) Snipes, Director of Payroll Services

Date:  September 2, 2008

Some changes to the E-Pay program for direct deposit of pay are being made.  These changes relate to the delivery of paper timesheets to Payroll Services for those on campus that previously utilized the timesheet box located in Bynum Hall and also the continuation of direct deposit of pay for reappointments without a break in service.

Delivery of Paper Timesheets to Payroll Services

Campus Mail Services has agreed to pick up paper timesheets in Bynum Hall (campus mail receptacle will be located on your left as you go in the front door) at 11 a.m. on each appropriate Monday. This courier service will begin with Biweekly Payroll #6.  If you choose to utilize this method for timesheet delivery to Payroll Services, pick up will begin on Monday September 15. (The deadline for the campus location will no longer be Noon on Monday but will be changed to 11 a.m. on Monday).   This courier service will remain in effect until TIM (Time and Information Management system) is fully implemented and it will no longer be necessary to send paper timesheets to Payroll Services for payment.

Continuation of Direct Deposit of Pay for Reappointments without a Break in Service

Changes made to the payroll system will now allow Payroll Services to continue direct deposit of pay for reappointments that do not have a break in service.  It will no longer be necessary to submit the Direct Deposit of Pay Authorization form for employees whose appointment periods ends but who are continuing employment with the University through another appointment.

Thank you.

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