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To:     University Business Managers and Human Resources Facilitators

From:  Elizabeth C. (Betsi) Snipes, Director of Payroll Services

Date:   July 17,2008

If you currently utilize the time sheet box located in Bynum Hall — which has been available from paydays until Noon the following Mondays —  to turn in your departmental time sheets, this option will no longer be available beginning with BW01, payday July 18th.

Beginning with BW 02 and going forward, ALL time sheets that have routinely been deposited in the Bynum Hall box for payment must be brought directly to Payroll Services, Suite 3600, AOB, or placed in the drop box marked Finance Division located in front of the AOB Building at 104 Airport Drive.

Time sheets are due at Noon on Mondays after paydays.  Please do not use campus mail as we can not guarantee that your employees will get paid if the deadline is not met in a timely manner.

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